


Our core objective is the operational security and confidentiality of company and customer data. That is why we began subjecting our rules and procedures to an Integrated Security Management System (ISMS) early on. ISO-27001 is an internationally recognized standard with a special focus on identifying, assessing and reducing IT risks. Mandatory annual audits guarantee a continuous development and review of the ISMS. For our customers, this certification guarantees that up-to-date security standards are being met, that systems are adequately protected, and that their data is treated securely and confidentially. It supports our clients’ relationships with their end customers by documenting their responsible selection of suppliers.

Austrian Cloud

We bear the Austrian Cloud Quality Seal and guarantee that your data will remain in Austria!

Code of Conduct for Internet Service Provider

Additionally, we have adhered to ISPA’s Code of Conduct for Internet Service Providers, where applicable to our services, since March 2019.


The List of Suitable Contractors (LgU) of the Austrian Contractors' Register (ANKÖ) is a public directory that lists companies that have proven their professional competence and integrity and demonstrated the financial, economic, and technical capacity to accept public contracts. We are proud to be one of these qualified companies!

The economic performance and reliability of a provider are also relevant.
Check our trust rating directly with the QR code, a service of KSV 1870.

Cyber Trust Austria Silber Label

We are proud holders of the Cyber Trust Austria Silver Label, which is based on the Cyber Risk Rating Scheme designed by the Kompetenzzentrum Sicheres Österreich (Austrian Security Board). This award reinforces our commitment to ensuring the security of your data is always our top priority.